4C Calculator
Calculate Diamond Price in An Instant

A calculator to assist you in determining the estimated price for your diamond!


4C Calculator is created for you to determine diamond price range based on available criteria





If you are a diamond seller or buyer, do check out 4C Calculator App which can help you assess the price of diamond in the market. The price calculated for you is an estimate based on the updated diamond price.

Currently we only support for Round shape and other essential diamond features which comprises of carat weight, color, clarity, cut discount (based on GIA cut scale/diamond cut grade), as well as purchase discount for resellers/buyers to easily set their purchase value.

How to Calculate The Diamond Price?

Enter the Diamond Carat (eg: 0.15)

Select Diamond Clarity
You can choose from 11 different clarity (IF, VVS, VS, SI, I3)

Select The Diamond Color
Choose your diamond color based on the GIA's color-grading system (From D to N)

Select Diamond Shape
For now, we only provide price for round and pear shape

Select the Cut Discount based on your diamond cut grade

Select Purchase Discount (if any)

Select prefered currency (eg: MYR)

Click "Reset" if you wish to clear the above filled options

Frequently Asked Question

What is 4C Calculator app?

4C Calculator is an application dedicated to calculate and provide you an accurate estimation of the diamond price.

Is 4C Calculator free?

Free. We are currently providing you with the necessary information at no cost.

What are the 4Cs?

The 4C’s stand for Color, Clarity, Carat, and Cut. When buying or selling diamonds, the 4C’s are probably the most important things you should know about diamonds. A diamond comes in many different colors. However, the best ones are still colorless diamonds. According to GIA, the range of measuring diamond’s color starts from D (colorless) to Z (yellowish). In 4C Calculator we only provide a selection of 11 colors which ranges from D to N. Out of the 4C’s, Carat is probably the easiest factor to determine as it expresses the weight of a diamond. The heavier the diamond’s carat is, the greater the value of the diamond.

Clarity refers to how many inclusions, spots, and flaws are in a diamond. Fewer inclusions mean a more valuable diamond. Using the GIA grading system, diamonds are assigned a clarity grade that ranges from flawless/internally flawless (FL/IF) to diamonds with obvious inclusions (I3). The GIA grading system by GIA is accepted by all diamond trading centers as the standard for diamond grading where it assesses diamond clarity according to size, position, color, and the number of inclusions/flaws present. For clarity, we provide a selection of 11 clarity grades for user to choose from.

Lastly, the diamond’s cut which is considered to have the greatest influence in diamond’s overall brilliance. There are 5 cut scale based on GIA which are excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor. A properly-cut diamond will refract the light that enters it and returns it through the top to produce the highly-desired sparkle. If the diamond is too shallow or too deep, some light will escape through the bottom, giving a shadowy appearance when viewed from the top.

Does the 4C affect the diamond’s value?

Yes! However, there can be an unbelievable amount of combination (of the 4C’s) that affect a diamond’s brilliance

Which Diamond Grading System does 4C Calculator use?

4C Calculator uses GIA grading scale as we believed that It has the most accurate and valuable standards that ensure proper quality in a diamond.

Diamond Price at Your Fingerips

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